How To Install web server in debian ( HTTP & HTTPS )

Web server is a software that giving service based text and the function received demand from HTTP or HTTPS on client known and send back  that demand in the form of page.


1. apache web server / the HTTP web server
2. apache tomcat
3. microsoft windows Server 2008 IIS
4. lighttpd
5. Zeus web server

in here i'm using apache web server number one. ok let's check it out to see the steps

first step you have to is set the ip address of the server read in here

"configure routing"
after you set the ip address of the server you can continue the second step

install apache2 using command apt-get install apache2

now check in your browser ( mozilla firefox, google chrome , etc ) write your ip address in the url your browser that first http ex. if it appears as shown bellow you have finish install web server
and next we active the HTTPS
use command
a2ensite default-ssl
a2enmod ssl 
service apache2 restart
repeat check in your browser but using HTTPS

thats all for install web server ?
in there was a problem please leave a comment 

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